Hello Friends, and welcome (or welcome back) to the blog. Quote of the Day! “Our struggles and sorrows are not without purpose — they invite us to surrender and guide us toward our healing.” The Good Trade Friends, I hope you are enjoying some creature comforts, staying hydrated, taking those vitamins, and getting plenty of…
What’s On My Wishlist?
Hello Friends, and welcome (or welcome back) to the blog. Quote of the Day! “A half-truth is just a whole lie.” – Home is Where the Bodies Are Friends, I hope you are enjoying some creature comforts, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of rest. *Don’t forget to breathe*. In a climate where everyone is tightening…
That’s a Wrap! Time To Unpack February’s Blog Happenings
Hello friends, and welcome or welcome back to the blog! Quote for today “Men don’t have to pay attention the way we do. Men die because they make mistakes. Women? We die because we’re female.” ― Grady Hendrix, The Final Girl Support Group” How are you today? I hope you are staying productive, reading a…
Monthly Good Reads Newsletter!
Hello Friends, and welcome (or welcome back) to the blog. Quote of the Day! “The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray Friends, I hope you’re enjoying some creature comforts, staying hydrated, and getting plenty of rest in these chaotic…