
My Bookish World: Tracking Reads for 2025

Hello, friends. Welcome back to the blog. I’m so glad to have you.

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.”
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

I hope everyone is doing well. The weather is turning colder; I’m feeling a little better this week and just trying to get back into the swing of things while I prepare for the upcoming winter holidays. Friends, get plenty of rest, meditate for at least 5 minutes daily, and eat clean.

Today is special because, at long last, I’ve been able to sit still long enough (between adulting, work crap, and the additional podcast series) to create a much-needed page dedicated to all things bookish. This was no easy feat, as there is no blog template or anything else that I could build on. I’ve created a working draft of all my book activities, which are still not cohesive, but I wanted to share them (nonetheless).

Bookish Tracker 2024-2025!

This page will now house my remaining Good Reads goals for 2024 and new goals for 2025, what I’m currently reading, my ARCs that were read and reviewed, and those I was approved for. I’ll try to add some challenges, book lists, and book premiers, but I wanted to push out something.

I’m struggling with the formatting. I’m currently researching other blogs, apps, websites, good reads, and Canva to create something easy to edit and cohesive to view.

I’ll also include links to my neglected ARC podcast series, which I plan to continue as we enter the holiday season.

My Draft 2025 Good Reads Challenge

So far, this list has 20 titles.  This year, I’ve read 38 (so far), and I’m on track to a goal of 40. For 2025, more are coming.  This list (also) doesn’t include any ARC titles.

  1. Don’t Fear the Reaper (The Indian Lake Trilogy, #2) by Stephen Graham Jones
  2. Life Moves Pretty Fast: The Lessons We Learned From Eighties Movies, Hadley Freedman
  3. You’re Not Supposed to Die Tonight, Kalynn Bayron
  4. The Mary Shelley Club, Goldy Moldavsky
  5. Midnight Showing (Malice Compendium #2), Megan Shepherd
  6. Black Girls Must Die Exhausted, Jayne Allen
  7. Their Vicious Games, Joelle Wellington
  8. Witchcraft for Wayward Girls, Grady Hendrix
  9. All Night Horror Show (Friday Night Frights Book 6), Eric Mosher
  10. 80s Ghosts, V.S.Lawrence
  11. Bury Your Gays, Chuck Tingle
  12. Such Lovely Skin, Tatiana Schlote-Bonne
  13. The House at the End of Lacelean Street, Catherine McCarthy
  14. The Summer I Ate the Rich, Maika Moulite (ARC)
  15. So Thirsty, Rachel Harrison
  16. Heads Will Roll, John Winning
  17. A Cut Below: A Celebration of B Horror Movies, 1950s-1980s, Scott Drebit
  18. The Midwitch Cuckoos, John Wyndham
  19. Needy Little Things, Channelle Desamours
  20. The Devil and Mrs. Davenport, Paulette Kennedy

This post was a BIG information purge; I mentioned it’s a work in progress.  I’ve already updated the formatting to what I’m linking for the page because it doesn’t flow exactly how I want it.  But procrastination is an evil thing.  If I wait to post it until it’s perfect, I’ll never post it because nothing is perfect.

Friends, that’s all I have for you today. Be sure to like and subscribe to the blog as I’ll share more about upcoming reading and some holiday prep.  Be well – Peace