It’s All Fun and Games! My Favorite Puzzles and Quizzes
Hello friends, and welcome back to the blog today.
I hope you are doing well in these dog days of August. Make sure to take a moment (for yourselves) to slow down, get plenty of rest, take care of your mental and physical health, and remember your vitamins.
We are big on trivia and game nights around my house. Now, we don’t have a big annual thing, but we do get together (about 6 of us total) and play our share of board games, YouTube trivia, games I’ve modified online, and, yes, puzzles.
Games do more than test your skill level; they help to increase your cognitive memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking, as well as improve your response time, attention span, and logic skills. Just a few hours a week can affect your overall well-being, but most of all, games can reduce your stress levels. Some studies even show that brain games can reduce the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
But most of all, they can be a beautiful distraction from the ills of our environment.
YouTube Trivia
I love music (most genres), television (especially theme songs—yes, I’m a kid from the 80s), and movies. I fail at history and only do okay at general knowledge, but it’s all good fun. Here are my top channels.
🎤 An array of music trivia that spans from the 60s to now.
Carole’s Quizzes
🎤An assortment of movies, music and general knowledge trivia.
🎤 An assortment of Music, Food, General knowledge and “Would you Rather”.
Board & Card Games
We have so many that we don’t get around to playing. Not just your classics like Scrabble, Monopoly, and Life but many others that are great for a small group. Here are a few that we enjoy.
Golden Girls Clue
Black Card Revoked
AUXGOD Pop Edition
Rotten Tomatoes Card Game
Lyrically Correct – 90s-2000s Hip Hop, R&B
Really Loud Librarians
Keep It 100
Rolling Stone, Rock & Roll Party Game
Working puzzles requires some focus. We kick back, listen to our favorite playlist, have some wine, and get our puzzle on.
We are currently working on this one, Cutest Cats of America. The prettiest one by far was this one from Puzzle of Color, called “Harvest” by Laylie Frazier. The coolest ones have been the Wonder Woman puzzle (can’t find this one to link it) and I Love the 80s (the brand is White Mountain); the most challenging was a Charlie Brown Christmas scene and the one that shall not be named Foul Play and Cabernet that we purchased at the local hobby shop in my neighborhood.
You don’t get any guide, but a short storybook about the murder, and you have to figure out the pieces (blind, basically). When you finish the puzzle, you solve the murder. It took us months to figure this out. We even put it away for a time and moved on to something else. Out of all the ones I’ve kept, this one was donated immediately. LOL
Best Crossword Books
I’m not a big crossword puzzle person, but my Mom loves these, so I’ve listed a few popular ones.
New York Times Super Sunday Crossword
New York Magazine Crosswords
Movie Crossword Puzzles
Washington Post Sunday Crosswords
Los Angeles Times Sunday Crossword Omnibus
Variety Puzzle Book
Well, friends, this ends this short post today. What is your favorite game to play? Board, online trivia, gaming system? Let me know in the comments. Thanks so much for visiting my corner of the world. I appreciate all the love and support. — Peace