Home Decor, Lifestyle

My Favorite Home Décor for the Season

Hello Friends, and welcome to the blog today!

My Daily Reading: What are you especially enjoying during these summer days? – The Good Trade

I hope everyone is doing well, staying hydrated, getting plenty of rest, taking your vitamins, and giving yourself some grace. Speaking of grace, I need my cupful dealing with idiot co-workers, this maddening heat and the world exploding … I will forever be shaking my cup.

For the first time in months, I stepped into a Michaels store.  I was only there for washi tape because I’ve been on this sticker-making and buying kick.  My favorites are from Opal & Fern, but I’ve also been making my own with my Cricut. (I have an Air2) …But I digress.  Michaels is full-on “Halloween.”  🎃👻The decor is out, and I mean rows and rows.  IN JULY!  What in the Earth-Wind-and-Fire is happening? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I’ve heard of Summer-Ween, but this is just crazy.

I’m getting to a point here…I haven’t purchased any home decor in quite a while.  I reuse what I have. My needs have been simple, and I’ve had some life changes, so cleaning and caring for myself is all I can do.  That hasn’t stopped me from doing my share of browsing because I do want to update some table decor.

Here Are My Top Picks

I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel; I’m just swapping out a few things and giving them an update. When my dad passed away, I got a lot of photos of him from the 50s-70s, and I’m looking for some vintage frames, some modern flower vases (my staff gifted me with a monthly subscription), tapered candle holders because (clearly) I don’t have enough, and some faux stems.


Glass Vessel (Amazon)
Library Lamp (Amazon)
Tapered Candle Holders (West Elm)
Pillow Covers (Amazon)
Fox Figurine (Etsy)
Ornate Brass Frame (Etsy)
Modern Brass Frame (Etsy)
Marble Ruffle Bowl
Plum Plant leaf stem (Amazon, Aflorel)
Art Lemons (Etsy)
Swimming Summer Print (Etsy)

I know as soon as I swap these out, Fall approaches, and that takes on a whole new life because I have a separate storage space that’s full of Fall and Halloween, which I’m always excited to shop for every year.  I bring home all the bins, and my home turns into this Halloween-esq, gothic space filled with candles, webs, lots of blackbirds, and other curated items.  I’m going all glassy-eyed just thinking about it. 🤩

There are so many lovely things, and as I create this post, I’m already purging some home decor for donation.  My style is always evolving, and always changing and there is so much inspiration on Pinterest and YouTube that the possibilities to change things and switch your style are endless. 

Thanks so much for visiting the blog today.  Don’t forget to follow and subscribe. — Peace