Good Reads, Lifestyle

Good Reads Challenge Book Review: Home is Where the Bodies Are

What’s up, “fam”..Welcome back to the blog.

“I’m trying to say Mom as many times as I possibly can because I know I’ll never call another person that again. It’s reserved only for her. There is no replacement.” —Jeneva Rose, Home is Where the Bodies Are

Hello friends, and how are you? I hope you are well, getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated, eating clean, focusing on your mental health, and giving yourself grace.

My friends …things always seem quiet before the storm, but you know what? I’m going to be ok. I’m still using and working on this new review format because it helps me focus on what I loved about the book, what I hated, what was triggering for me, and pulling out some poignant moments.  As I learn how to pull my thoughts better together, some will become more detailed, and I’ll ramble less. 🤓 With that … here is my review of Home is Where the Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose.

Book Details

Title | Home is Where the Bodies Are
Author(s) Jeneva Rose
Format | Audiobook (Audible)
Pages/Hours | 256 pages or 8 hours
Published  | April, 2024
Publisher | Blackstone Publishing
Genre |  Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Fiction
GR Rating | 3.89
Purchase | Amazon


After their mother passes, three estranged siblings reunite to sort out her estate. Beth, the oldest, never left home. She stayed with her mom, caring for her until the very end. Nicole, the middle child, has been kept at arm’s length due to her ongoing battle with a serious drug addiction. Michael, the youngest, lives out of state and hasn’t returned to their small Wisconsin town since their father ran out on them seven years before.

Let me say that I did request this book on Net Galley, but I never heard anything. There was no rejection, just radio silence, so I’m not bitter (LOL). 😠 Thank you, Libby, 📚 because this title was available two days after the book was released with NO wait time. I love ❤️ my library.


This story hit home for me because it deals with the death of a parent (my dad passed on May 2nd) and the difficulties adult children face when giving up their lives to care for a loved one to slowly watch them lose the quality of life they once had.  Already, this book was keeping pace with me.  The details gave me context to understand the story as it unfolded and where you knew something was off but couldn’t place it.


Dementia is hard on a family, and it takes away the very essence of the person you once knew.  Repeatedly reintroducing yourself over and over, showing old photos to help them remember, trying not to upset them so they don’t get confused, and watching that wonderful personality fade. You feel like your nerves have been picked raw, so these characters and scenarios were spot on. (Kudos)


Laura (Mom hiding a secret)
Brian (Husband to Laura, who disappeared many years ago)
Beth (eldest daughter and caregiver for Laura)
Nicole (Sibling)
Micheal (Youngest sibling)
Lucas (Beth’s high school sweetheart)


That awesome, cracked VHS cover had me hooked at first sight. I didn’t even read what it was about; I just put in my request. (LOL)


We’ve read the synopsis and know Beth, Nicole, and Michael find a VHS tape when clearing the attic in their family home. Videotapes were not unusual because their Mom (Laura) recorded everything. She wanted a visual diary to pass down to the children, so when they find a random tape, they decide to watch it, but what they see would change everything.

Now, the siblings must find out what happened during a neighborhood celebration. On its surface, it was a great day, but it ended in tragedy.


4.00 ✮✮✮✮

Dealing with siblings (or other family) when there is a death is a delicate balance to achieve. Hearing “We’re sorry for your loss” or “If there’s anything you need” makes it much more challenging to deal with. Now add a few missing persons, addiction, a dark family secret, and a cryptic message from Laura on her deathbed, and you have a great thriller.

I gave this book 4.00 …just above the Good Reads rating.  Maybe it was the anticipation of wanting to read it for so long, but even with that (in my opinion), it didn’t disappoint.  This title was a quick read and had the twists and turns of an old country road, and when secrets are revealed, revelations made, and new love blooms in this family drama thriller… home is most certainly where the bodies are.


📼 “I’ve taken these secrets to the grave, but that’s as far as I can take them.”
📼 “She told me flowers reminded her of life—beautiful, delicate, and short-lived.”
📼 “It’s odd. Some people never see it coming; others have a countdown, and I don’t know which is worse.”
📼 “Resentment only poisons the person who consumes it, not the one it’s intended for.”

Good Reads Challenge Progress

Where I’ve posted a link, I’ve created a podcast on that review, which is a little more detailed than the written review and, of course…commentary.

What Moves the Dead (read)
Leslie F*cking Jones (read)
The Cousins (read)
September House (read)
The Echo Wife (read)
Her Lost Soul (ARC: read)
The Black Girl Survives This One (ARC: read)
The Bad Ones (ARC: read)
The Eleven (ARC: read)
The Sundown Motel (read)
We Lie Here (read)
The Black Guy Dies First: Black Horror Cinema from Fodder to Oscar (read)
Kill The Boy Band (read)
I Need You to Read This (read)
The Wishing Game (read)
Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide (read)
The Kind Worth Killing (read)
Home is Where the Bodies Are (read)
My Heart is a Chainsaw, Stephen Graham Jones (read…review in progress)
Mary: An Awakening of Terror, Nat Cassidy (read…review in progress)
Houses of the Unholy (ARC: read)
Suck-U-Bus (ARC read)

Good Read Challenge (Currently Reading)

The Night She Disappeared
Antenora (ARC)

For my partial Good Reads Challenge list ..check out this post.  For all the other posted reviews, check my page. For the review podcast, check out my Spotify.

Bonus:  I found this fantastic challenge on The Nerd Daily that I think you’ll enjoy.  Click on the image for the PDF version.  How many can you fill out? I’m only at 13 so far.

Thanks so much for visiting the blog today.  Don’t forget to follow and subscribe, as I appreciate the support. — Peace

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