Lifestyle, Monthly Wrap

That’s a Wrap! Time To Unpack the Month of May on the Blog

Hello friends, and welcome or welcome back to the blog!

Quote for today
“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. but I can’t accept not trying.” — Michael Jordan

June is here, and I’m so glad the weather has been pleasant.  It’s really rainy on my side of the globe, but that will soon change, and we will be graced with hot, sticky, muggy, yucky weather, which I’m not looking forward to.  Speaking of hot weather, remember to stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and get your greens.

So May.  So many things happened last month … so it’s hard to wrap it up.  My Dad passed away on May 1st, so as you can imagine, I’m still grieving.  I’ve mentioned before that he was 91, so he lived a full life and passed many milestones.  I missed him every day, but at least he’s at rest. Also, Friends, I am (literally) three years away from retirement, so it’s scary and exciting.  I’ve been planning the next exciting stage of my life, and I promise to bring you along for the ride.

*****May posts!*****

Here is a compilation of May.  Click on the image to link to the post.


Shopping, Style, and Idea Boards This Month

Movies and documentaries I watched in May

I didn’t watch any movies this month because I like to watch them with my daughter, but we haven’t had the time due to her busy schedule and other life events.  I do balance out my true crime documentaries with comedies or something scary (hmm, I’m not sure if this is balance), but as we know … real life can be scarier than a movie.

Ashley Madison, Sex, Lies & Scandal (Documentary)
This was…WOW, it just was.  I don’t see how people get trapped in these things, but that’s neither here nor there.  It was a website to allow people (specifically) to cheat on their wives or husbands that was all a scam. Humans…were going to hell in a handbasket. (Netflix)

THEM, The Scare – Limited Series (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
So, guess what?  Luke James is (definitely) getting an award for this one.  It’s creepy as hell and set in the 90s. THEM: The Scare is Season 2 in an anthology series THEM. This season is about a detective tracking a serial killer with a supernatural element.  It’s got a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and I couldn’t get enough of this.  I binged this 8 episode limited series in 4 days. Check out the trailer. (Prime)

What Jennifer Did (Documentary)
This documentary was really interesting, and yes, most of what I look at is true crime, but the root of these stories interests me.  It’s hard to believe that greed is the number one reason people do the most heinous things to friends and family. (Netflix)

Amanda Seals: I Be Knowin’ Comedy Special (⭐⭐⭐⭐)
I don’t watch too many comedy specials because I don’t think they’re funny.  So, while skeptical, I did enjoy this one, partly because I like Amanda Seals.  I didn’t get everything because it’s for a younger generation, but she hit the nail on the head with some of her skits, and it was funny … or shall I say Blacktasktic…LOL (HBO)

American Nightmare 
This crime story was truly outrageous.  It even had me thinking …” Okay, he did it,” but it was interesting all the same. I will say this had a happier ending, which doesn’t make up for what this couple went through, but at least they made it to the other side of happy. (Netflix)

Dancing for the Devil: The 7M Tic Tok Cult (3 Part Series)
This one (right here) is very interesting because I watch a lot of dancing shorts on YouTube, and these people came across my feed.  I even had a friend telling me about this years ago, and these young people were making all this money.  Well, according to this documentary …boy, did he have that wrong. Another eye-opening documentary about social media and our addiction to feeding it.

May book haul

It’s not so much a haul, but I did get two books this month.

My Heart Is a Chainsaw, Stephen Graham Jones (hardcopy)
In A Dark Mirror, Kat Davis (Kindle)

May reading

Here’s what I’ve read and the link for my 2024 Good Reads Challenge partial list.



The Kind Worth Killing, Peter Swanson (review posted)
Home is Where The Bodies Are, Jenecva Rose (review posted on Good Reads)
The Wishing Game, Meg Shaffer (review posted)
Murder Your Employer: McMasters Guide to Homicide (review posted)


Pending ARCs!

Yes, I’m always in a perpetual state of waiting to be approved.  Here are the latest pending titles.

Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch, Codie Crowley
A Grim Reapers Guide to Catching a Killer, Maxie Dara
Cleaver Little Thing, Helena Echlin
The Book of Witching, C. J. Cole
Antenora, Dori Lumpkin
Killer House Party, Lily Anderson
Middle of the Night, Riley Sager
The Midnight Feast, Lucy Foley
Ghost Camera, Darcy Coates
Dead Girls Don’t Dream, Nino Cipri
I Was A Teenage Slasher, Stephen Graham Jones (didn’t get this one…bummer)
Horror Movie, Paul Tremblay

APPROVED: Sleep Tight, J.H. Markert
APPROVED: The Hitchcock Hotel, Stephanie Wrobel
APPROVED: William, Mason Cole
APPROVED: Houses of the Unholy, Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips
READ/REVIEWED: Suk-U-Bus, S.C. Mendes & Nikki Noir
READ/REVIEWED: The Eleven by Kyle Rustkin
READ/REVIEWED: I Need You To Read This, Jessa Maxwell
READ/REVIEWED: Home is Where The Bodies Are, Jeneva Rose (This book has been published, and I’m still listed as pending, but I read it from the library)

June & July Calendars!

You can find all my calendars as well as all of the printables used on the blog.

Season 3 is Live!

May’s posts for Season 3.

Episode #9, I Need You To Read This, Review
Episode #10, 10 Titles I’ve Added to my TBR List
Episode #11, Suck-U-Bus, Review


Well, Friends, I think I’ve covered everything in this round-up. Thank you for stopping by today as I recapped all the May happenings. Many thanks and blessings to my homies for supporting this blog.  It means the world to me Don’t forget to follow and subscribe to my little piece of happiness. — Peace