31 Days of Halloween: Day #23, The Exorcist (1973)
Welcome to the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies.
Hello, hello, hello, and Happy October! It’s day 23 in the 31 Days of Halloween: Movie Edition, where I recommend one movie every day for the month of October. Thank you so much for checking out this post today, and without further ado…and so it goes.
Movie Quote
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.”
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Today’s Feature
MOVIE: The Exorcist
Rated: R
Year: 1973
Director: William Friedkin
IMBD Rating: 8.1
Runtime: 2h 2m
Tomato Meter: 78%
Genre: Horror
SYNOPSIS: One of the most profitable horror movies ever made, this tale of an exorcism is based loosely on actual events. When young Regan (Linda Blair) starts acting odd — levitating, speaking in tongues — her worried mother (Ellen Burstyn) seeks medical help, only to hit a dead end. A local priest (Jason Miller), however, thinks the girl may be seized by the devil. The priest makes a request to perform an exorcism, and the church sends in an expert (Max von Sydow) to help with the difficult job.
MY RATING: (★★★★★) This movie is straight Horror. Be prepared if you watch it for horrifying graphic scenes. This movie has made it onto my Halloween watch list this year, as I’ve only seen it in parts. WARNING: it’s difficult to watch during some scenes. It may have you turning the TV off and thinking of rainbows and unicorns, but for any movie lover looking to work through a list of horror movies, this should be at the very top of that list. The Exorcist: Believer premiered this month with Ellen Burstyn reprising her role as Chris MacNeil, and the new character Victor Feldman, played by Leslie Odom, will once again have people at odds comparing it to the original. I don’t think the new movie faired very well in the ratings but alas we still have the original.
There are several sequels, and the only one worth watching is Legion, which is supposedly The Exorcist III, but it should really be named II. Legion is more of a crime-esq murder mystery about a serial killer but ties directly into the first movie. I would still give a chance. The audiobook version is also a great read.
With that said … Happy Viewing, and enjoy the movie if you dare!