31 Days of Halloween

31 Days of Halloween: Day #15, The Babadook

Welcome to the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies.

Movie Quote
You can’t get away from the Ba-ba-dook, dook dook!

Hello Friends, and welcome to Otober-land (figuratively)! It’s day 15 in the 31 Days of Halloween: Movie Edition. 🍂🎃 Love this weather; my Halloween decorations are up, and I’m ready for the movie night, game night, and all the fun. It’s a busy time so make sure to take at least an hour today for yourself.

For an archive and intro to start from Day #1, click here. For free downloads of all the games and fun, check out the freebies page.

Today’s Feature

MOVIE: The Babadook
Rated: Not Rated
Year: 2014
Director: Jennifer Kent
IMBD Rating: 6.8
Runtime: 1h 34m
Tomato Meter: 98% 🍅
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Splatter/Gore Meter: 43/10 🩸🩸🩸

SYNOPSIS:  A single mother, plagued by the violent death of her husband, battles with her son’s fear of a monster lurking in the house but soon discovers a sinister presence all around her.

MY RATING: (★★★★★) Talk about creepy this movie takes the prize.  A children’s book or rhyme that is a little unnerving and will have you looking at every shape and dark corner differently. My personal opinion… who would get a book like this for their children, but then again, we have to understand what the Babadook represents.  The monster represents grief itself, depression, and trauma, so naturally, Amelia (the mom) and Samual (the son) would feel immense grief and loss.

With all that said …Happy Viewing and enjoy the movie!

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