31 Days of Halloween

31 Days of Halloween: Day #11, Train To Buscan

Welcome back to the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies.

Hello Friends, are we loving Fall? I hope you’re doing well, taking care of your body and mind, and having some Fall fun.

It’s Day #11 in the 31 Days of Halloween in Movies. For an archive of the movie Madness, click here. For other Halloween goodies, check out the freebies page.

The movies featured in this series are in no particular order and range from 1950 – 2023…and so it goes.

Today’s Feature

MOVIE: Train to Busan
Rated: R
Year: 2016
Director: Sang-ho Yeon
IMBD Rating: 7.6
Runtime: 1h 58m
Tomato Meter:  🍅 95%
Genre: Action Horror Thriller
Splatter/Gore Meter: 9/10 🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸


A man (Gong Yoo), his estranged daughter, and other passengers become trapped on a speeding train during a zombie outbreak in South Korea.

MY RATING: (★★★★★)

This movie is a fast-paced action horror thriller about …you guessed it, zombies. (and I loved every minute of it) This movie is about the takeover and the killing and less about living in the zombie apocalypse. In most zombie movies, the change is gradual. In this zombie movie, the change is instant, violent, and back-breaking. The zombies chase mindlessly in horde fashion, and the passengers do whatever it takes to survive.

This movie is a serious nail-biter, and it will have you on the edge of your seat, wondering who will make it out alive. Train to Busan is rated R for violence and disturbing images.

With all that said …Happy Viewing!

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