I’m Reviewing …The Midnight Club Now Streaming on Netflix
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“Would you rather be killed by a vampire Or get turned into a vampire?”
Hello friends, I hope you’re doing well, staying hydrated, enjoying this lovely Fall weather, and checking in with friends and family.
It’s been pretty slow since my 31 Days of Halloween (“Blogtober”) is over. I feel so sluggish like I’m moving through molasses, but I continue…and so it goes.

Today I’m reviewing The Midnight Club now streaming on Netflix.
For this series, I didn’t check to see what other folks were saying about it, and I wanted to write this with an open mind and prior opinions.
Series: The Midnight Club
Streaming on: Netflix
Rated: TV-MA
Created by: Mike Flanagan, Leah Fong
IMBD: 6.6/10
10 Episodes
STORY: At a manor with a mysterious history, eight members of the Midnight Club meet each night at midnight to tell sinister stories — and to look for signs of the supernatural from the beyond.
The Midnight Club could be the creepy little sister to Are You Afraid of the Dark (Midnight Society). It’s the same premise but this story has a little more meat. That show aired on Nickelodeon, and because this is Netflix there are adult themes. The Midnight Club is not just about the stories (as in Are You Afraid) but delves into the backstories of most of the characters.
Eight (terminally ill) young adults reside at Brightcliffe Hospice as a prerequisite to their last days. They have been diagnosed with various cancers and illnesses. Brightcliffe serves as a place where they can build a bridge to understanding the illness and making peace with the fact that they may never return to their homes. The characters make the best of their situations with new relationships while creating a little chaos.
“People Can Become So Obsessed With Beating Death That They Ruin Their Lives.”
Set in the 90s the story begins with 17-year-old Ilonka, headed to Stamford. At a graduation party, she coughs up blood, and soon after she would be diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Ilonka is only given a life expectancy of a few years. While in treatment, Ilonka would search for alternative medicine and a place for healing because she strongly believes she can send her cancer into remission. She finds Brightcliffe, a hospice for teens.
Ilonka soon discovers that the residents of the hospice both living and dead share a secret. Eight residents have formed the Midnight Society. Every night at midnight they would meet in the library and tell scary stories.
The creators chose to use the characters telling the story…within the story and their friends (in some variety on another) were also characters. These stories ranged from Grudge-style vengeance to the paranormal, and serial killers.
“Dying Is A Very Shitty Reason Not To Live.”
Ilonka would struggle in the beginning to connect with her roommate whose cancer has become considerably worse over the last few months. She knows her time is limited, but through research and discovery, the group finds a secret society that formed in the 60s. One resident would walk away cured. But through these rituals, others met a dreadful end.
Through storytelling, backstories, and experiences the group would turn to one another in a time of need forming a bond that only the terminally ill could understand. They would soon find themselves experiencing the dark past and secrets of Brightcliffe and how it wasn’t always a hospice.
“The Sound Of Stories Are The Sounds Of Lives.”
This series screams for Season 2 as there were so many questions unanswered and characters that disappeared never to return and finish their storyline. We question the director and owner Dr. Georgina Stanton (played by Heather Langenkamp, A Nightmare On Elm Street), the helpful stranger in the woods, the staff, and just about everyone who has lived at Brightcliffe.
I really enjoyed this series but it leaves me wanting more because I have so many questions. It’s also pretty light as far as gore goes, but offers a few scares in between. This is the perfect series for Fall, dark mysteries, with a few thrills. I’m right on track with IMBD and I give this series a 6.8. It’s not the most original storyline but it’s very entertaining.
Check out The Midnight Club now streaming on Netflix.
Well friends thanks so much for hanging with me, and I hope you like this quick review. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. Have a great day!
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