Monday Journal: How Bible Passages Speak to me and Work Within My Life
Hello Friends and welcome to the blog today.
IHappy Monday friends. I hope everyone had a great weekend, as we head into the 2nd week of February. If you live on the east coast (as I do) winter storm Quade just casually passed by.
Today I’m speaking on Psalm passages in the Bible and how I relate them to the different seasons in my life. I’ve taken this directly from my journal, and it’s a peek inside how I work through these passages.
I feel like I needed this post (for myself) today, as I feel overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I feel myself struggling through the simplest of tasks. This sluggishness is physically making me feel under the weather. This also leads to moving (yes I’m moving), and just the feeling of having “too much food on my plate.
I know what I’m feeling will diminish but I know that I need God’s light and blessing more than anything to pull me through. I’m not Superwoman, but in my head, I think I can get it all done. In reality, I’m just Wyetha.
This Bible verse really spoke to me from things I dealt with in the past and with all of my upcoming challenges. I know that I will be able to get these things done as long as I lay out a plan and pray for patience and guidance.
PLASM #13 – For the Director of music. A psalm of David.
1 How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? 3 Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, 4 and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.
This Bible passage speaks to me in many ways because I’ve had the very same thoughts. I felt because I was a good person so why were bad things happening in my life, no matter how much I prayed. I felt as if God wasn’t hearing me, so I would pray more, cry more because I didn’t understand.
As people, we feel everything. We believe that if God would show us the plan then we can see the storm coming, We sense His presence and we feel empowered because we can endure.
“When we have such strong feelings, the feelings create their own reality.” (Source: Enduring Word)
I had to realize that I was living in my feelings, of regret, sorrow, and guilt. I was letting that be my reality. Those strong feelings were holding me in a place that felt comfortable because I knew sadness. But that’s not how God wants His us to be.
We have been told so many times that it’s ok to have these feelings because they let us know that we are children of God, and made in His image, but we must not let these feelings become our reality.
I was looking at everything I did wrong. With prayer comes release, so I prayed to God but I didn’t truly lay that burden down.
“Trouble is often like a pill God wants us to just swallow, but we make it worse by keeping it in our mouths and chewing it.” — Enduring Word
God wants your happiness, and He is “honored when we cry out to Him”. God wants you to bring your troubles to Him. However, we are living, breathing individuals, and have a hard time, moving through it. We’re slow to move on because as terrible as it sounds there is some comfort in sadness.
Oftentimes we pray to God for literally EVERYTHING. Things we are not that passionate about, and if you’re not passionate then why should God listen. There is desperation in the things we really care about, and in the things that really matter.
I’ve always been confident of one thing…when you can’t trust anything else, trust in God’s mercy. I know He hasn’t forgotten me and He was waiting on me to shake that sleep, and that unreality.
I’ve always known but never stuck to the notion that’s it’s ok to be angry (but don’t act on the anger), it’s ok to be sad (but don’t wallow in the sadness) and I was doing just that. I was letting my feelings direct my life instead of directing my feelings (in my life), and pouring all of that emotion into prayer.
God has given me to power to do what I needed all along but I had to go through the bad to get through that other side of grace, and blessings.
My unreality was thinking that I could buy a home, pay down my bills, be a mentor, blogger, and good worker all within this condensed time span. I was living in a dream world, and this is why I believe that God closed his ears to me. That’s not the same as thinking that He forgot me, because God never forgets His children.
However, He does need you to get with the program and wake up from that unreality. Was I passionate in my prayers? … Yes! But did I actually believe it? No.
Once I woke up and changed my perspective, things started happening. All I can think is what took me so long, but again this was a teachable moment. I had to believe in what I wanted and come to that on my own. I’m here, I’m WOKE, and I’m ready.
“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” — J.K. Rowling
How do passages or stories in the Bible speak to you? Let me know in the comments. Thanks so much for visiting today. Don’t forget to follow or subscribe, as it really helps the blog. Have a great week! — Know Thyself —