Hello Friends and “Welcome” to the blog. Today is Day 9 in my 12 Days of Christmas series.
For some people, baking is second nature. It’s easy, and they don’t have to follow a recipe for simple cookies or a cake. For me, baking is a lesson. I only bake once a year, and it always a production.
But this year I’m following a few simple cookie recipes that I incorporated last Christmas that were oh-so-nummy, and easy to make … even for me.
Here are 6 cookie recipes I snagged from Pinterest. Last year I made the molasses cookies, the sugar cookies, and the monkey bread. This year I’m only doing the cookies.
6 Easy Holiday Baking Recipes
Molasses Cookies | What’s Cooking Gabby Blog
(These are super delicious and chewy … mine are below)
Sugar Cookies | Life Love and Sugar Blog
(I Made these as well but they are a little puffier than I would like. I believe that my flour measurement was off, but they’re still really good.)
Monkey Bread | Live Craft Eat Blog
(I made this last year but they exploded in my pan. I made half amount and they were overflowing but still delicious)
Chocolate Chip Cookie | Ridgely’s Radar
(I love a good chocolate chip cookie, but I probably will not make these until the New Year.)
Vanilla Cake | Lauren’s Latest Blog
(I’m not a natural baker, but I always like to try my hand at new things, so maybe on a snow day I can whip up this tasty cake.)
Lemon Rosemary Butter Cookie | Neighborhood Food Blog
(You had me at “butter cookie”, and I love the combination of lemon and rosemary so I can’t wait to try these.)
Related Post & Links
Pinterest Holiday Sweets Board
My Mom was what I call a “natural baker”, and she never followed any type of recipe. If I wanted to learn anything I had to pay attention, and when your younger all you care about is eating it.
I just assumed that baking was never my calling, but I’ve learned over time that all you need is patience. Are you a natural baker? or are you like me and need to follow the recipe line for line? Let me know down in the comment section of this post.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today. Don’t forget to subscribe for more posts in this series as we get closer to Day 12. — Merry Christmas! —
Header Photo by Food Photographer | Jennifer Pallian on Unsplash
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