Hello Friends and welcome to the blog today. Today I’m sharing a few gifts for the music lover.
Hello party people and happy Friday. I hope everyone had a great week this week. After all my woes last week I just wanted a low-key week where I could relax, but that’s not happing as I’m planning a virtual retirement party for my boss. It has challenges, but hey…it’s happening.
Today is all about gifts for the music lover. Whether you’re looking to buy some vinyl for that serious music connoisseur. Or by your friend that New Kids on the Block album that they tell people they don’t listen too but you know they do, there’s something for everyone that loves music.
For the Music Lover
Other Gifts Posts
My Ultimate West Elm Wish List
Streaming Music Services
I love all genres of music, so it may be hard to shop for someone like me because you don’t know what album to get. So a great gift would be a 3-month subscription service to Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, or Amazon Music.
This is the perfect gift for folks who like everything because you can customize your list add what you like, and get exclusive music that could include an entire catalog for a favorite artist. (I love NKOTB, and BSB and I don’t care who knows it…LOL)
Games – Books – Art
Games, books, or artwork can make a great gift for the music lover. A framed black and white print of an album cover or an actual framed vinyl record really makes a statement. Amazon has great gifts that ship quickly if you’re looking for games and books.
The Music
If your anything like me, a vinyl album is love. Anyone who took the time to purchase vinyl in a world of CDs and streaming is truly a good friend. I’m ole’ school (or just plain old) so I’ve grown up with vinyl. I’ve had some of the same records that I’ve had since I was at least 13 years old. They have moved with me from place to place and while they have some scratches they are truly loved.
As my taste grew up, I started collecting jazz albums, and we found this little record store in the basement that had EVERYTHING. My daughter found this spot called Blue Groove Sound and it became to spot for many Saturday evenings when she got off work. They had every record, every genre and I could spend hours just looking through everything. (#reminising)
All this is to say, take some time, check out Amazon, Target, Etsy, Urban Outfitters, and Google your local record stores. It’s the ultimate gift for the music lover.
Vinyl Storage
I’ve found some great options on Amazon, Etsy, and Urban Outfitters for records storage or you can opt for one of those plastic milk crates because seriously they get the job done.
That’s what I grew up with but as I got older I out-grew and my collection got larger. IKEA makes some great options if you have more than 50, but if you’re just starting out, some of these options work great.
For Your Listening Pleasure
I won’t get too much into record players, and speakers because this is something that needs to be researched as it’s in investment, and not just a casual gift. But if you are planning to invest in one you can find them to be pretty reasonable. If you’re just starting out a portable record player is your best bet but the quality of sound will vary.
If you want quality sound, opt for a turntable and speakers to give your LPs some justice. This also goes for headphones. I can’t tell you how many set’s of headphones I’ve been through. In-ear, over-ear you name it, I’ve had it. So again I would do some research before I dropped $200 on a pair of headphones. House of Marley and Bose have some reasonable options, with quality sound.
I hope I’ve given you some gift suggestions for the music lover in your life. Check out my link for a complete list of album storage furniture, cube storage, games, and gadgets.
Thanks for hanging with me today. Have an awesome weekend, and I’ll see you back here Monday. — peace —
Oooh me likey!
You know I love my music.