Hello friends, and welcome back to the blog and my 31 Days of Halloween. BOOK QUOTE “In the apocalypse, sin
Read MoreHello friends, and welcome or welcome back to the blog! Quote for today “Men don’t have to pay attention the
Hello friends, and welcome or welcome back to the blog! Quote for today “Men don’t have to pay attention the
Hello Friends, and welcome (or welcome back) to the blog. Quote of the Day! “The books that the world calls
Hello Friends, and welcome to the blog today. “When life throws you lemons, you make lemonade, When life throws you
Hey friend, hey, and welcome back to the blog. I hope you’re enjoying the month of February and taking a
Hello Friends, and welcome to the blog today. “If we are to preserve culture, we must continue to create it.”
Hello Friends, and welcome to the blog today. “Hope has far more hooks than fear, far more capacity to tear
Hello friends, and welcome or welcome back to the blog! Quote for today “Men don’t have to pay attention the
Hello Friends, and welcome to the blog today. “Hope has far more hooks than fear, far more capacity to tear
Hey, hey, hey! How you feelin’? “The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its